VidTrans 2007 Video Over IP Interoperability Demo
The VidTrans 2007 Video Over IP Interoperability Demonstration Activity Group's purpose is to demonstrate a high degree of interoperability between vendors for errorless video transmission over IP or Ethernet networks. Its primary goal is to prove to "customers" that the standard (Pro-MPEG COP3/SMPTE 2002-1) delivers protection against packet loss and that many manufacturers can interoperate. The Video Over IP Interoperability Demonstration Activity Group planned and conducted a successful demonstration in the Exhibit area of the 2007 Joint Conference with SMPTE in Orlando, Florida.
The Interop demonstration highlighted the successful interoperation of vendors supporting broadcast contribution video signals over IP networks while demonstrating the ability to survive errors and other network impairments. During the demonstration, each participating company generated an IP multicast consisting of a single 20Mb video stream with predetermined FEC/Interleaving. Prior to being distributed to all participants, the multicast streams were fed into an IneoQuest Technologies device which introduced deterministic errors. The errored streams were then distributed over the network to all other participants. This was done to demonstrate the recovery capabilities of the Forward Error Correction (FEC) system described in the Pro-MPEG Forum Code of Practice 3 Revision 2 (COP3R2).
The following companies participated in the demonstration; Harris Broadcast Communications, Path1 Network Technologies, TANDBERG Television, Thomson Grass Valley, and T-VIPS. Equipment provided by IneoQuest Technologies and Spirent Communications were used to create and/or measure the network impairments. IPITEK, Fox Digital Television and Ion Media Networks provided the equipment and materials as needed to create the network test bed. Organization and System Design was provided by DVBLink and Media Links.