VSF Activity Groups

Each VSF Activity Group (AG) meets regularly by telephone and in face to face meetings during VSF May and October Meetings, VidTrans as well as other venues such as NAB and IBC as deemed necessary by the AG chairperson(s) who provide leadership for the group.

At the direction of its chairperson(s) reports on its progress are presented at VSF meetings and other forums. In addition to serving the VSF members, AGs supply input and expertise to various industry standards bodies on behalf of the VSF.

Membership is required to participate in VSF Activity Groups.

More Activity Groups:

  • Call for Presentations for Vidtrans2025
  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy